When do You Need a Water Heater Replacement?

Our expert plumbers offer water heater repair in Natick MA and nearby neighborhoods alongside additional water heater and plumbing services, including water heater replacement, installation, and routine maintenance. It is important to understand when you need a new water heater replacement so that you can save money on repairs, emergency services and more.

Signs of a Poorly Functioning Water Heater

Be sure to pay attention to the signs that your water heater is no longer functioning properly. In some cases, you can extend the life of your water heater long enough to save money for a new one. Keep in mind that new water heaters are quite an investment. If your water heater is beginning to make noises or the water has discoloration or an unpleasant odor, you might be close to needing a new water heater. When the water is not actually becoming as hot as it once did, it is time to begin saving for a new water heater. And if the water heater is nearing its standard lifespan based on public information, be sure to begin researching new water heaters now.

Time for a New Water Heater

At some point, your water heater will stop working. Once the experts at Sharp Plumbing determine it is time for a new water heater, it is important to consider several aspects before you buy a new unit. Be sure to consider the water capacity you will require based on the number of residents in your home. Do not forget to ensure you have enough space to store the water heater of your dreams. While a new environmentally friendly water heater is ideal and will save you money, make sure you have compatible energy sources in your home before you make a purchase. Fortunately, Sharp Plumbing provides water heater services in Natick MA and nearby areas to help repair your water heater for as long as possible. We can replace your water heater when you are ready, as well.

Benefits of a New Water Heater

The benefits of a new water heater are many. Most new water heaters are far more energy-efficient by design, resulting in lower utility bills. A new water heater can add value to your home. You will experience more efficient hot water and prevent the need for emergency hot water heater replacement services. With routine maintenance, you will save money on repairs, reduce the need for emergency services and add years to the life of your new water heater. Be sure to take the time to find the right water heater for your exact needs and have time to save money for a water heater.

Types of Water Heaters

The selection process of a new water heater can be somewhat overwhelming. Most people have a traditional water tank storage water heater. You can still buy a similar replacement just like these traditional units. However, more and more people are converting to more green water heaters, such as tankless units, hybrids, and solar-powered water heaters. We can provide green replacement and installation services, including tankless water heater installation. In fact, we provide expert and professional water heater installation services and water heater repair in Natick MA and other local communities.

Your Plumbing & Heating Professionals

Our plumbers and heating technicians work hard daily to serve you with reliable, expert service in Northborough, and surrounding communities.